Zone Master

Devices that are equipped with daylight sensors can be designated as the Zone Master. All other devices in the same zone will follow the Zone Master.

If an integrated sensor such as SC200 or SNH210 has the DDR option enabled, it will regulate using its own daylight sensor and will ignore the Zone Master. To allow devices with integrated sensors to be controlled by the Zone Master, disable the daylight sensing option.

Battery-powered multi-sensors (ZGP) will always be configured as the Zone Master.

=== To use Zone Master, devices must have or be updated to firmware version v.7.4.10 or higher. In case the lights are not updated yet, the feature will be greyed-out on the app. ===

Configure Zone Master

  1. Navigate to the desired group and select a zone, note that luminaires assigned directly to the group cannot be enabled as Zone Master.

  2. Click on the (i) of the luminaire to be configured as Zone Master.

    zm 1
  3. Scroll down and enable the radio button Zone Master. A crown icon is seen next to the luminaire or sensor, indicating it is now the Zone Master.

  4. For other luminaires with built-in sensors on the Zone, make sure Daylight sensing is disabled in order to follow the area master, if daylight is kept enabled, each luminaire will independently regulate daylight using its own sensor.

    zm 2
  5. Go back to the group level and re-deploy the settings.

  6. Go to the Controls Tab and perform a Daylight sensor calibration for the Zone.