TCP/IP Network Requirements

Here are the network requirements if the system is equipped with a gateway. Note that there are no network requirements, if there is no gateway.

Refer to this note to connect via 4G LTE <LTE Technical Note>

Summary of requirements to connect the system

  • One ethernet port per gateway with access to the internet.


If the network is managed, then make sure the following requirements are met:

  • IPv4 via DHCP server available

  • Port TCP 443 opened on the router

  • Port UDP 123 opened on the router. This port is used for time synchronizing, using the Network Time Protocol (NTP).

If you are using a firewall, make sure to whitelist the following URLs:

  • for port 443

  • for port 443

  • for port 443

Follow the steps below to check whether the URLs are whitelisted:

  1. Open Microsoft Windows PowerShell

  2. Clear DNS Cache by pasting the following command:

    • Clear -DnsClientCache

  3. Perform connectivity test by pasting the following commands, one at a time. Copy & Paste the command in the PowerShell window and press Enter:

    • Test -NetConnection -Computername -Port 443

    • Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 443

    • Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 443

    • If the whitelisting is successful, then the result will be displayed as True

Perform these tasks only from PowerShell. Do not use Command Prompt.