TCP/IP Network Requirements
Here are the network requirements if the system is equipped with a gateway. Note that there are no network requirements, if there is no gateway.
Refer to this note to connect via 4G LTE <LTE Technical Note>
Summary of requirements to connect the system
One ethernet port per gateway with access to the internet.

If the network is managed, then make sure the following requirements are met:
IPv4 via DHCP server available
Port TCP 443 opened on the router
Port UDP 123 opened on the router. This port is used for time synchronizing, using the Network Time Protocol (NTP).
If you are using a firewall, make sure to whitelist the following URLs:
- for port 443
- for port 443
- for port 443
Follow the steps below to check whether the URLs are whitelisted:
Open Microsoft Windows PowerShell
Clear DNS Cache by pasting the following command:
Clear -DnsClientCache
Perform connectivity test by pasting the following commands, one at a time. Copy & Paste the command in the PowerShell window and press Enter:
Test -NetConnection -Computername -Port 443
Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 443
Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 443
If the whitelisting is successful, then the result will be displayed as True

Perform these tasks only from PowerShell. Do not use Command Prompt. |