Release notes

This topic describes new functionality, improvements and bug fixes.

PRF/PRA 2.1.1

07 February 2022

What’s new

The following features and improvements have been added in version 2.1.1:


  • PRA the Wireless Gateway is now replaceable.

  • Mobile apps now contain level indicators for easier navigation.

  • DDR calibration is now performed in the background and the user is notified when the process is finished.

  • Toggle On/Off Demand Response functionality at project level for the ADR Wireless Gateway (LCN1870) for all buildings or individual building

  • Power reduction slider of Demand Response feature for all groups or per group. Only for the ADR Wireless Gateway (LCN1870).


  • Improved mobile & web apps performance on larger projects

  • Users are prompted a warning when legacy devices are localized

  • Bluetooth devices are now displayed in order of signal strength

  • Network name is now displayed in the report for easier identification

  • Optimized the performance of the app on mid-range Android devices

Bug fixes

  • When a discovery of lights is executed on a system already commissioned, lights in vacant groups with occupancy control remain on when discovery has ended. Use the app to turn them on or off for those groups: this action triggers the light control to start.

  • For lights with sensors, calibration that is required for each zone with daylight regulation control will calibrate all lights in the group.[1]

    • If you have multiple zones in a group, you only have to calibrate once. All lights will be calibrated with the same set point.

    • If you have lights outside a zone in the group, these lights will also be daylight regulated.

  • Automated control of a group needs to be started using the app after calibration of the zone(s) has finished. The lights are restored to the set level in the group.

Supported versions

Supported versions
Component Version


PRF/PRA App(Android)





Gateway (LCN1840)


ADR Gateway (LCN1870)


Smart T-LED Gen1


Smart T-LED Gen2




Wireless Driver Gen1






Mini Driver Gen 2


Linear Driver Gen 2



27 October 2021

What’s new

The following features and improvements have been added in release 2.1.


Copy-Paste group behavior

Copy the behavior from a group and apply it to a new group.

Light feedback for high-end trim

When setting high-end trim, the light blinks to confirm the new level has been adjusted.

Energy reporting every 15 minutes

Previously, the energy reporting was triggered once every 1 hour. This has been updated to once every 15 minutes.

Added SHN(R)210IA sensor

The SNH(R)210IA high ceiling PIR sensor is now supported.

Gateway firmware update backwards compatibility

The Wireless Gateway is now backwards compatible with previous projects, therefore it is no longer necessary to update the gateway and lights when updating to the latest project version.

New firmware version (6.5x) for devices

A new firmware update (v6.5x) is available for the following devices:

  • Smart T-LEDs

  • Wireless driver

  • Mini driver

  • Linear driver

  • SNS210

  • SNH210


Updated network size

The system now supports 20 networks per project. Previously the limit was 10 networks per project.

Web application performance improvement

The web application loading time has been improved. This can be noticed especially on larger projects.

Additional fields in reports

Reports now contain additional information such as lights product family name and device firmware information.

Improved gateway MQTT stability

The stability of the gateway MQTT client has been improved.

Improved Bluetooth proximity

Bluetooth proximity for Gen1 devices discovery via the Wireless Gateway has been improved.

Up to 70% high-end trim level (Gen1 Wireless Driver & Smart T-LED)

High-end trim level for the Wireless Driver Gen1 and Smart T-LEDs is now up to 70% of the dim level.

It is not recommended to set the high-end trim level below 70% for the Wireless Driver Gen1 and Smart T-LEDs.

Bug fixes

  • Setting high end trim too low (below 67%) does not work for MasterConnect lamps. Note it is recommended to set it between 80% and 100% for all devices.

  • Adding a switch or a sensor to a group with more than 25 lights can result in incorrect reporting of progress in the app. Note it is recommended to have up to a maximum of 40 lights per group.

  • A group without lights assigned will appear as a group for each gateway. When lights are assigned, the group will only show for the gateway that connects to those lights.

  • A new gateway that is online (3 blue lights on) and that can not be assigned with the app can be connected to the wrong cloud. A reset and power cycle will usually resolve this issue (Advanced only)

Supported versions

Supported versions
Component Version


PRF/PRA App(Android)





Gateway (LCN1840)


ADR Gateway (LCN1870)


Smart T-LED Gen1


Smart T-LED Gen2




Wireless Driver Gen1






Mini Driver Gen 2


Linear Driver Gen 2


  • Factory versions may be lower than indicated in the supported versions table.

  • PRF works with all generation 2 devices coming out of the factory.

  • PRA offers the capability to update to the latest version if it is newer than the factory release of the device.

  • Gateways are automatically updated to the latest version when added to the system.

1. This issue actually improves the speed of the calibration process as you only have to calibrate once per group and you don’t have to wait up until it finishes.