Software updates

The PRF/PRA app, portal and cloud services are updated regularly to enable new functionality, incorporate user feedback and to fix issues. When such a release is made available, all projects automatically start using the new cloud services and portal. The app has to be updated explicitly; pending on the release content, the cloud services may also enforce an update of the app. This is shown when the app is being accessed after such a release has been made available.

PRF can be installed without the need of actually updating the system devices. The software of those devices, although it may not be the latest, supports all of the features of PRF.[1]

As part of a release, new software can be made available for system devices in a project. Factory new devices, when installed in a new project, typically don’t have the most recent software loaded. PRA allows a user to start an update of system devices in his project. When a connected system has system devices with an older version of the software, it triggers a notification indicating to update the system. The user can start the update at a convenient time:

  • Over-the-air (OTA) updates of Zigbee devices typically take 1 to 4 hours.

  • As long as the update is in progress, the app can’t be used. It shows that an update is in progress.[2]

Firmware updates are important to be able to fully use all functionality of the system and to keep the installation secure.

When performing a firmware update of system devices, make sure:

  • that you have installed the latest version of the PRF/PRA app

  • that all devices are powered

  • that the gateway is powered and connected to the internet.

In Interact Pro, the system turns lights on or off via its control features. Keep the gateway and lights always mains powered! This also allows remote control and monitoring.

A software update of system devices can be started using the app or the portal.

In cases that a full project update is not successful, there are some typical error recovery scenarios. Check the conditions listed above: very often, it turns out that some devices are not mains powered during the time of the update which prevents them to get updated. If this is the case, tap Retry update.

The update process consists of downloading the new software to the devices, flashing the devices and deploying the settings for each light. The process may also fail during the deployment phase as lights have to be reachable for deployment. The app will show using a orange dot indicator which groups and which lights in those groups have failed.

You can right click at the right hand side of a light and select the troubleshoot function to fix it.

When errors keep appearing during an update, contact Signify support.

It is important that when an update has partially succeeded, that is some devices have got the latest software and some devices failed to update, to finish the update such that the system has a consistent set of software versions. As long as there are failures, some of the control functionality may not work.

1. In special cases, a need to update devices for an PRF system may arise, for instance in case of a serious issue. In such a case, the system should be connected (temporarily) using gateways to update all devices in the project. If desired, these gateways can be removed after completion of the update.
2. The portal can be used including the Control tab to control the lights.