
In the initiate phase, the customer along with the service provider discuss the needs, options and solutions for the lighting installation.

The initiate phase is concluded with:

  • a bill of material of devices needed

  • a high-level statement of work, covering a concise description of activities to finalize

Examples of data to be captured:

  • The project details

  • Name and address of the customer

  • Contact details of the contact person

  • Usage of the building, area types etcetera

  • Discuss the details of the Interact Pro system

  • Type and number of luminaires, sensors, switches

  • Number of groups and zones

  • Scenes and lighting behavior

    For this step, it can be useful to have the floorplans of the building available.
    Refer also to Appendix Floorplan design guidance.
  • Create, invite and appoint the users necessary for this phase of the project

  • Installer on the job

  • Business owner (contact person)
    The high-level statement of work describes the works of the installation and commissioning phases and can be used to capture the status of each phase.

project intro office